The 4 paths of yoga
Swami Sivananda’s Yoga of Synthesis integrates the four paths of Yoga for the aspirant to develop him/herself in a complete way.

Karma Yoga or selfless service: Also known as the Yoga of action, Karma Yoga is the core of the entire Sivananda Organization. Simply put it is the path of Yoga where one serves with no expectations of reward. The duties are performed with the feeling that one is serving God through humanity. Karma Yoga is meant to purify the ego.

Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of devotion: In Swami Sivananda’s words, Bhakti Yoga is the easiest and surest way to attain God Realization in this present age. Through prayers, chants and worship one turns his/her emotions into devotion, developing an unconditional love towards seeing God in all of creation.

Raja Yoga deals with the control of the mind through the study and understanding of its workings. A set of practices is prescribed to discipline and control the components of the human being: body, prana (vital energy) and mind. With the tools provided by these practices, one develops will power and clarity of mind.

Jnana Yoga or the Yoga of knowledge: This is the intellectual approach of Yoga in which through the practice of Vedanta and a deep philosophical enquiry, one investigates the nature of the Self. This path is said to be the most difficult one and the aspirant needs some previous qualifications as well as great willpower and courage to face the Truth.